The Maharashtra State Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd. (MSCMFL) aims to promote the sustainable growth of the cooperative sector, focusing on the agricultural and marketing needs of farmers and member institutions. With a strong emphasis on empowering cooperative societies, MSCMFL is committed to ensuring fair market practices, efficient distribution systems, and innovative trade solutions. Our objectives include:
- Marketing Agricultural Produce: Facilitate the marketing of agricultural produce to ensure farmers receive fair and competitive prices.
Procurement of Essential Goods: Purchase and sell agricultural produce and the necessary tools, equipment, and inputs required by farmers. - Promote Trade and Export: Encourage and expand international trade, including the export and import of agricultural produce and other essential commodities.
- Expand Operations Across Borders: Open branches, offices, distribution centers, or agencies outside Maharashtra to strengthen business operations.
- Supply Chain Development: Provide seeds, fertilizers, tools, and machinery directly or through member institutions acting as agents.
- Warehousing Solutions: Operate warehouses and cold storage facilities to facilitate the efficient stockpiling and distribution of goods.
- Enhance Cooperative Efficiency: Improve the operations of marketing and processing institutions through training, guidance, and support services.
- Knowledge Hub: Act as a central source of information for marketing trends, market prices, and other trade-related insights.
- Compliance with Regulations: Ensure all activities are carried out in compliance with the rules and regulations governing cooperative organizations.
- Centralized Purchasing and Selling: Serve as a central purchasing and selling agency for member institutions to ensure better prices and access to goods.
- Business Improvement: Undertake initiatives to improve business operations, develop new markets, and strengthen the federation’s role as a cooperative leader.
- Support Member Institutions: Provide oversight and assistance to affiliated institutions to ensure smooth and efficient operations.
- Capacity Building: Organize training programs for directors, officers, and employees to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.
- Economic Upliftment: Contribute to the economic well-being of member institutions and ensure smooth cooperation with government policies.
- Regular Reporting: Obtain and review periodic reports from member institutions to ensure transparency and accountability.
- Asset Management: Acquire, sell, lease, or rent land, buildings, vehicles, and other assets essential for federation business.
- Employee Welfare: Establish funds and other initiatives for the welfare of employees and their families.
- Act as an Agent: Act as an agent for member institutions, government bodies, or other entities to facilitate business and trade activities.
- Invest in Member Institutions: Invest capital in member cooperative societies to support their growth and stability.
- Liquidation and Administration: Serve as a liquidator or administrator for cooperative institutions as per government orders.
- Resolve Complaints: Address and represent complaints from affiliated institutions before appropriate authorities.
- Support Agricultural Cooperatives: Promote the interests of agricultural, cooperative, marketing, and processing institutions in Maharashtra.
- Expand Domestic Trade: Participate in domestic trade of agricultural and essential commodities to strengthen market presence.
- Develop Infrastructure: Build warehouses, cold storage, and other facilities to support efficient marketing and storage of produce.
- Processing and Production: Establish or assist processing and production units for member institutions.
- Insurance and Trading: Act as an insurance agent and facilitate trading activities for member institutions.
- Bill Collection Services: Provide bill collection and reconciliation services for member institutions.
- Publications and Materials: Produce publications and provide necessary materials for member institutions.
- Knowledge Dissemination: Organize events, seminars, training programs, and workshops for cooperative education and decision-making.
- Asset Development: Acquire and manage land and assets to support trade, commerce, and overall federation development.
- Mortgage and Security: Mortgage land, buildings, or property to secure loans and enhance business opportunities.
- Business Expansion: Engage in businesses related to agriculture, horticulture, and the supply of essential goods.
- Collaborate with Government Agencies: Supply essential goods to state governments and other related institutions.
- Purchase Agricultural Produce: Procure produce from member institutions and ensure efficient distribution.
- Promote Key Agricultural Products: Promote the marketing of products like cotton, jute, and tobacco through cooperative societies.
- Support Rural Industries: Assist in the marketing and sale of handicrafts and products from rural industries.
- Manage Surplus Supplies: Help member institutions manage excess products through effective marketing strategies.
- Government Partnerships: Establish partnerships with government agencies to enhance the sale of agricultural and essential commodities.
- Financial Services: Run financial institutions or lending facilities to support member institutions.
- Storage and Cold Chain Facilities: Create storage and cold chain infrastructure to improve distribution and preservation of perishable goods.
- Consumer Protection: Ensure the fair distribution of agricultural and essential commodities to consumers at reasonable prices.
- Furthering the Cooperative Movement: Engage in any activity that promotes the growth and success of the cooperative movement.
These objectives are central to our mission of enhancing the cooperative marketing sector, ensuring fair market access for farmers, and contributing to the development of the agricultural economy of Maharashtra.
» Maharashtra State Government and
» Agricultural Marketing and Processing Societies other than cooperative sugar factories and spinning mills as on 31.3.2010, 794 Cooperative marketing societies are A-class members of the Federation. These members are having voting rights for election of the Directors of the Federation.
All individuals, companies and other corporate bodies having business dealings with the Federation are admitted as Nominal Members. Co-operative Societies registered in Maharashtra & other states, other than those mentioned in the above paragraph, can be enrolled as Nominal Members. Nominal Members cannot vote or participate in the Federation’s Management. These members are also called as B-class members.
The Board of Directors consists of one representative each from all districts in the State elected by the Agricultural Marketing and Processing Societies, Managing Director of Federation as Ex-Officio Member, the Commissioner of Co-operation and Registrar, Co¬operative Societies, three representatives of women in the State who are members of the Co-operatives, one representative from State representing
» Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and
» Weaker Section of the community and three representatives of recognised employees union Besides, Directors of certain co¬operative institutions are also included in the Board, provided such representation is on reciprocal basis. Such institutions include Maharashtra State Consumers Federation, Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank and Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Sangh.
The Members of the Board are elected for a period of five years. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman are elected amongst the Board of Directors every year.
For the purpose of supervising and guiding the working of the Federation in different fields, Committees comprising a few members of the Board have been constituted. These Committees are Executive Committee, Staff Committee, Food grain and Machinery Committee. These Committees meet as and when required. The Board of Directors meet at least once in three months or more frequently depending on the official business.
The various activities undertaken by the MSCMF
The activities of the Federation focus primarily on bettering agricultural produce and pricing.
- Procurement of foodgrains lime Jowar, Maize, Bajara and Paddy etc. under Minimum Support Scheme of Govt of India.
- Manufacture of cattle feed with brand name “Vaibhav” and granulated fertilizers with brand name “Bhagirath”.
- Distribution of fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural equipment and accessories
- Implementation of Mid Day School meal (Shaleya Poshan Aahar) sponsored by Education Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.
The importance of the Maharashtra State Cooperative Marketing Federation can be comprehended only when the sheer impact that it has on Maharashtra’s agricultural scene can be understood.
The State of Maharashtra is highly industrialized; still agriculture continues to be the main occupation of the rural people. The major crops grown in the state include rice, jowar, bajra, wheat, pulses, cotton, sugarcane, several oil seeds including sunflower, groundnut and soybean, turmeric, onions, and other vegetables. Maharashtra is also famous for its fruit production.